06.06.2016. Autotuning alive
As a part of the Startup Village 2016, one of Europe's largest events for young high-tech companies that on 2-3 June gathered about twelve thousand participants on the grounds of the Innovation Center Skolkovo, a dedicated exhibition of innovative developments, Startup Bazaar, took place. Among the dozens of companies selected to participate, ttgLabs presented its long-term experience of efficient adaptation of computationally intensive software to GPU platforms in such areas as aerodynamics and image processing. On examples from the updated version of TTG Apptimizer 2.0 SDK, a new schemes of load-balancing between different types of processing units have been demonstrated. The interest of visitors and participants of Startup Village 2016 to ttgLabs technologies, which was permanently observed during the exhibition, shows the increasing demand for modern methods of optimization of resource-demanding applications among Russian customers.

04.05.2016. Costs go first
A paper on the results of benchmarking a CUDA version of SigmaFlow software package developed with the participation of ttgLabs has been published in the May issue of CAD/CAM/CAE Observer analytical journal. In the paper, two clusters based on NVIDIA Tesla C2075 and Tesla K40 graphics accelerators are analyzed. Opposite to more conventional tests, in this case, the comparison was carried out not in terms of performance but rather on the costs side for 10 seconds of simulation of considered hydrodynamic process. Such an analysis is particularly important since today, many people are interested not only in the applications' performance but also in the cost of computations. The results were surprising to the authors themselves: a new generation of accelerators is leading in only two of the three scenarios assessed, so when deciding on their purchase, customers have to be cautious. Read more on the journal website.
02.11.2015. Participating in Open Innovations 2015
At its booth located in the Industry zone of the show, ttgLabs introduced TTG Apptimizer 2.0, a new version of the toolkit for CUDA software optimization. The main innovation in the new version was a completely redesigned API that substantially facilitates the optimization of projects with a long history and a large size of source code. Attendees had a chance to experience the first ‘look and feel’ of version 2.0 and on examples from real projects, to see the performance gain that can be obtained by using the technologies of software dynamic optimization developed by ttgLabs.

31.03.2015. CUDA certification from ttgLabs
ttgLabs in collaboration with GPU Center of Excellence of Moscow State University and NVIDIA company launched a certification program for developers claiming the status of Certified NVIDIA CUDA Developer. To obtain this status, a candidate has to pass a three-part exam, namely, to take the test on knowledge of the theory, to perform a set of tasks on CUDA kernels optimization and to port to CUDA a separate project. Applicants that earn at least 60% of maximum grade for each of the exam three parts will get a Certificate issued by NVIDIA that confirms their skills. A single attempt to pass the exam costs 250 USD. Further details are available on the examination system Web page.

04.06.2014. ttgLabs is in the final of Startup Village 2014
On June 2-3, the Skolkovo Innograd located in Moscow suburb, hosted the 2nd Annual conference Startup Village 2014. Gathered this year about 8,000 participants, the conference confirmed its status as the largest event of startup movement in Russia. In its pitch, our company presented to the participants the software autotuning toolkit TTG Apptimizer. According to the authoritative jury, this presentation was recognized as the best one in the section "Numerical simulation of control processes and productivity improvement in the industry". Therefore, ttgLabs was among the top 21 innovative projects of Startup Village 2014 (out of more than 700 original applications). As a finalist, our company was awarded the monetary prize, and moreover, became one of the first in the capital to receive the "Moscow innovative passport" from Moscow Government.
05.04.2014. We paticipated in PaVT
On April 1-4, 2014, South Federal University (Rostov-on-Don) hosted a conference "Parallel Computing Technologies 2014" that ttgLabs participated in as a Section sponsor. In their Plenary and Session Talks, ttgLabs employees have demonstrated a scheme of using TTG Apptimizer toolkit to optimize an arbitrary GPGPU software (slides) and the performance gain obtained for typical CFD problems on structured grids (slides, paper). Participants could also look at the demonstration of the latest TTG Apptimizer version at the specialized exhibition that took place on the second day of the conference.

14.03.2014. ttgLabs took part in Europe's largest computer trade show
On March 10-14, CeBIT 2014, one of the most famous and the largest European trade fair of information technologies this year attended by more than 210,000 visitors, took place at Hannover Messe. Technologies and products of 30 companies, residents of the Skolkovo Foundation, were exhibited at the collective stand organized in Hall 9 "Research and Innovation". At the event, ttgLabs showcased its software autotuning toolkit TTG Apptimizer as well as demo applications to illustrate how graphics accelerators can be used for simulating the flowing over various objects by a fluid flow in real time (the two-dimensional solution of the Euler equation by HLL method).

29.11.2013. To NSKF 2013 in Pereslavl
At the end of November, the second National Supercomputing Forum, NSKF 2013, consisting of scientific conference, a series of workshops and an exhibition took place in ISP RAS based in Pereslavl. At the company stand within the exhibition area, ttgLabs presented the current version of the TTG Apptimizer toolkit. This product of our company and the underlying optimization model were also in the focus of a separate Talk made at the Forum's scientific conference by ttgLabs employees. The slides supporting the Talk are available here.

15.11.2013. How to shorten the data transfer time on GPU cluster?
At the conference "High Performance Computing on Cluster Systems 2013", ttgLabs company presented the results of the latest stage of the project focused on porting the SigmaFlow software on GPU. The key objective of this stage was to speed up data transfers when solving the Navier - Stokes equations on a GPU cluster. The barriers that had arised on this way, their proposed solutions as well as the results of testing the aforementioned software on GPU cluster and on Amazon EC2 cloud are described in the following paper and are illustrated on the slides.
02.11.2013. We participated at "Open Innovation 2013" Forum
ttgLabs was among 50 Russian startups specially selected to present their technologies and products at the "Open Innovation 2013" Forum (Oct. 31 – Nov. 2) which was attended by the country's leaders including Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev. Although the topics of the event has almost nothing to do with high performance computing (HPC), the TTG Apptimizer tool demonstrated by our company caused a considerable interest among Forum participants thus once again convincing us of the strong demand for new approaches to software optimization in completely different industries.
17.10.2013. On optimization, accelerators and paradigms
In HPC2013-14, recently released by the British publishing house Europa Sceince and focused on major achievements in High Performance Computing for 2013, a paper authored by ttgLabs employees has been published on pages 22-23. The paper describes ttgLabs vision on the perspectives of GPGPU computing. An electronic version of this publication is available on the Europa Science website.
10.08.2013. ttgLabs confirmed its ‘AA’ rating
According to the expert review that took place in July 2013, ttgLabs has confirmed its investment prospects rating at the ‘AA’ level. This is the rating value the company was initially awarded in November 2012 at the first Russian Startup Rating event organized by Russian Venture Company (RVC) at the ‘Open Innovations’ Forum. Additional information on Russian Startup Rating is available on http://russianstartuprating.ru.
18.06.2013. ttgLabs participates in ISC'13 trade-show
At one of the largest international supercomputer trade-shows ISC'13 that has opened on June 16th in Leipzig, ttgLabs company demonstrated a new version of its toolkit, TTG Apptimizer v1.0.3, and also announced an agreement with Research Computing Center at Moscow State University on the deployment of this toolkit on 'Lomonosov' supercomputer. The new version features advanced optimization strategies that provide for the support of NVIDIA Kepler architecture and an 20 percent increase of application performance. At ttgLabs booth the attendees could also see the demonstrations of how TTG Apptimizer can be efficiently used to process video in real time.

18.06.2013. TTG Apptimizer will be used on 'Lomonosov' supercomputer
ttgLabs and Research Computing Center at Moscow State University have come to an agreement on installing TTG Apptimizer toolkit on 'Lomonosov' supercomputer with peak performance of 1.7 Pflops that is the No. 1 supercomputer in Russia and the No. 31 supercomputer in the world according to the latest version of the Top500 list published on June 17th, 2013. The software from ttgLabs will be used on the graphics part of the supercomputer to optimize applications in several simulation projects including those in mathematical physics, computational chemistry, molecular biology, and drug design.
10.04.2013. ttgLabs at PCT’2013
Аt the Plenary of the 7th Annual International Conference "Parallel computational technologies (PCT) 2013" that this year was organized in Chelyabinsk, ttgLabs presented the results of successful porting of Russian CFD to GPU using TTG Apptimizer. This toolkit software with other software developments has been demonstrated at ttgLabs booth within the tradeshow organized in the conference venue.

01.12.2012. TTG Apptimizer has been presented at SC12
ttgLabs employees have visited the most respected supercomputing tradeshow ‘Supercomputing 12’ that took place in Salt Lake City in November, 2012. The poster about a new version of TTG Apptimizer toolkit presented at SC-12 is available here. Our colleagues’ opinions upon the conference itself and accompanying tradeshow have been published in a special coverage in the next issue of ‘Supercomputers’ magazine.
15.11.2012. ttgLabs were assigned the ‘AA’ investment rating
At the Forum ‘Open Innovations’ that took place in Moscow at very beginning of November, 2012, Russian Venture Company and its partners announced the first version of Russian Startup Index. ttgLabs, the developer of TTG Apptimizer toolkit, were assigned the highest ever awarded ‘AA’ which corresponds to a high investment attractiveness.
02.11.2012. We winned the «Computer Continuum» contest
In the contest «Computer Continuum: from idea to implementation» organized by Intel in cooperation with Skolkovo Innovation Center, our flagman product TTG Apptimizer was avowed to be the best in the nomination «HPC and Cloud Computing». This fact has become a yet another evidence of high topicality of and strong demand for TTG Apptimizer toolkit.
24.10.2012. We are the Skolkovo resident
Today, ttgLabs has been officially named the resident of the IT Cluster of Skolkovo Innovation center. This honorable status has been assigned to our company for the TTG Apptimizer software that was respected by the expert committee as an innovative project addressed to the global market.
12.09.2012. Training on TTG Apptimizer
TTG Apptimizer toolkit that has being developed by our company was demonstrated at two master classes. The first event took place at the Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology (MIPT) HPC Summer School in Moscow (26 Aug. - 2 Sept. 2012). The second master class was organized as a workshop at the 1st Baltic HPC & Cloud Computing Conference in Riga (10-11 Sept. 2012).
17.07.2012. Going To Abrau-Durso with Clouds
A paper that describes a project of developing an HDR video processing service accomplished by ttgLabs has been accepted as a talk at the conference "Scientific Service in the Internet" and recommended for publication in a peer-reviewed journal. The customer, Center of Engineering Physics of M.V.Lomonosov Moscow State University, is going to launch the appropriate online service http://hdrconverter.com this fall. The paper is available here.
22.06.2012. TTG Apptimizer, the beta4 version
At the International Supercomputing Conference (ISC-2012) in Hamburg, a new, beta4 version of our flagman product TTG Apprimizer has been presented. The major new features of this software when compared to the beta3 version are the support of Linux, several new examples and a lot of changes at the API level. To get the URL for downloading the beta4 version, please send an e-mail to mail@ttgLabs.com.

17.05.2012. TTG Apptimizer, the beta3 version
At GTC-2012 conference that annually takes place in San Jose, ttgLabs experts have demonstrated a new version of TTG Apptimizer toolkit dubbed beta3. This package is a prototype of the TTG Apptimizer Lite version with all optimization functionality of the forthcoming commercial product. Currently, the beta3 fully supports the Visual C++ 2005/2008/2010 compilers. To get an SDK, please, drop a message to mail@ttgLabs.com.
12.04.2012 ttgLib got an official status
ttgLabs has received an official Russian Government certificate for its main product, the ttgLib library that is a subsystem of parallel pipeline data processing on heterogeneous architectures (CPU+GPU).
05.04.2012 Join us in Hamburg!
ttgLabs became one of six winners of the HPC Startup Showcase worldwide contest organized within International Supercomputing Conference (ISC’12). In June 17-21, 2012, you will be able to see our technologies and products at CCH–Congress Center in Hamburg, at booth No. 415. In particular, the attendees will have a chance to get the beta version of our flagman product, TTG Apptimizer.
22.02.2012 ttgLib at GTC-2012
We are going to present a poster on ttgLib library and its usage at GPU Technology Conference 2012 organized by NVIDIA in San Jose from 14th to 17th of May, 2012.
02.02.2012 Let’s meet at PAVT
Two papers written by ttgLabs employees (1, 2) have been accepted by Program Committee of one of the most recognized Russian supercomputer conferences ‘Parallel Computational Technologies 2012’ (PCT’2012) to take place in Novosibirsk from 26th to 30th of March, 2012.
15.12.2011 ttgLib from T-Platforms
Our partner T-Platforms, the Russian manufacturer of supercomputer systems, now offers its customers the service of embedding the ttgLib library into customers’ software. More…
08.11.2011 We are 1 year old
ttgLabs as a company was formally registered a year ago. During this period, we have participated in eight projects, developed our key product, the ttgLib library, to a stage of limited beta testing, published more than 10 papers on our technologies and their application and won a grant from FASIE Foundation.
28.10.2011 ttgLabs at Softool’2011
At Softool’2011 trade show, we demonstrated the practical work of ttgLib library. Underlying technologies were described in detail by one of us in a talk at the 2nd Moscow Supercomputer Forum (MSCF-2011) that took place within Softool’2011.